
Here you can find the list of Policies that Kuma supports.

Going forward from version 2.0, Kuma is transitioning from source/destination policies to targetRef policies.

The following table shows the equivalence between source/destination and targetRef policies:

source/destination policy targetRef policy
CircuitBreaker MeshCircuitBreaker
FaultInjection MeshFaultInjection
HealthCheck MeshHealthCheck
RateLimit MeshRateLimit
Retry MeshRetry
Timeout MeshTimeout
TrafficLog MeshAccessLog
TrafficMetrics MeshMetric
TrafficPermissions MeshTrafficPermission
TrafficRoute MeshHTTPRoute
TrafficTrace MeshTrace
ProxyTemplate MeshProxyPatch

If you are new to Kuma you should only need to use targetRef policies. If you already use source/destination policies you can keep using them. Future versions of Kuma will provide a migration path. You can mix targetRef and source/destination policies as long as they are of different types. For example: You can use MeshTrafficPermission with FaultInjection but you can’t use MeshTrafficPermission with TrafficPermission.

Applying policies in shadow mode


The new shadow mode functionality allows users to mark policies with a specific label to simulate configuration changes without affecting the live environment. It enables the observation of potential impact on Envoy proxy configurations, providing a risk-free method to test, validate, and fine-tune settings before actual deployment. Ideal for learning, debugging, and migrating, shadow mode ensures configurations are error-free, improving the overall system reliability without disrupting ongoing operations.

It’s not necessary but CLI tools like jq and jd can greatly improve working with Kuma resources.

How to use shadow mode

  1. Before applying the policy, add a kuma.io/effect: shadow label.

  2. Check the proxy config with shadow policies taken into account through the Kuma API. By using HTTP API:
     curl http://localhost:5681/meshes/${mesh}/dataplane/${dataplane}/_config?shadow=true

    or by using kumactl:

     kumactl inspect dataplane ${name} --type=config --shadow
  3. Check the diff in JSONPatch format through the Kuma API. By using HTTP API:
     curl http://localhost:5681/meshes/${mesh}/dataplane/${dataplane}/_config?shadow=true&include=diff

    or by using kumactl:

     kumactl inspect dataplane ${name} --type=config --shadow --include=diff

Limitations and Considerations

Currently, the Kuma API mentioned above works only on Zone CP. Attempts to use it on Global CP lead to 405 Method Not Allowed. This might change in the future.


Apply policy with kuma.io/effect: shadow label:

apiVersion: kuma.io/v1alpha1
kind: MeshTimeout
  name: frontend-timeouts
  namespace: kuma-system
    kuma.io/effect: shadow
    kuma.io/mesh: default
    kind: MeshService
    name: frontend
  - targetRef:
      kind: MeshService
      name: backend
      idleTimeout: 23s

Check the diff using kumactl:

$ kumactl inspect dataplane frontend-dpp --type=config --include=diff --shadow | jq '.diff' | jd -t patch2jd
@ ["type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.cluster.v3.Cluster","backend_kuma-demo_svc_3001","typedExtensionProtocolOptions","envoy.extensions.upstreams.http.v3.HttpProtocolOptions","commonHttpProtocolOptions","idleTimeout"]
- "3600s"
@ ["type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.cluster.v3.Cluster","backend_kuma-demo_svc_3001","typedExtensionProtocolOptions","envoy.extensions.upstreams.http.v3.HttpProtocolOptions","commonHttpProtocolOptions","idleTimeout"]
+ "23s"

The output not only identifies the exact location in Envoy where the change will occur, but also shows the current timeout value that we’re planning to replace.