We are happy to announce the release of Kuma 0.7.1 with minor improvements and fixes, and a new official distribution: Helm Charts!

Notable Improvements in 0.7.1

  • Official Helm Charts now available for Kuma.
  • Fixed a regression introduced in 0.7.0 in the GUI, which can now be put behind an Ingress Controller again.
  • New “grpc” support in “kuma.io/protocol”.
  • Introduced “http2” and “grpc” support on outbound requests.

For a complete list of features and updates, take a look at the full changelog.

Community Calls + Slack

Join us on our community channels to learn more about Kuma, including our official Slack chat! The community channels are useful to get up and running with Kuma, as well as to learn how to contribute to and discuss the project roadmap. Kuma is a CNCF Sandbox project, and we welcome everybody to contribute and ask questions.

The next community call will be hosted on August 19th at 8:30am PDT. Also don’t forget to follow Kuma on Twitter!


Be sure to carefully read the Upgrade Guide before upgrading Kuma.

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