Install Transparent Proxy pre-requisites on the host


Install Transparent Proxy by modifying the hosts iptables.

Follow the following steps to use the Kuma data plane proxy in Transparent Proxy mode:

1) create a dedicated user for the Kuma data plane proxy, e.g. ‘kuma-dp’ 2) run this command as a ‘root’ user to modify the host’s iptables and /etc/resolv.conf - supply the dedicated username with ‘–kuma-dp-uid’ - all changes are easly revertible by issuing ‘kumactl uninstall transparent-proxy’ - by default the SSH port tcp/22 will not be redirected to Envoy, but everything else will. Use ‘–exclude-inbound-ports’ to provide a comma separated list of ports that should also be excluded

sudo kumactl install transparent-proxy
–kuma-dp-user kuma-dp
–exclude-inbound-ports 443

3) prepare a Dataplane resource yaml like this:

type: Dataplane mesh: default name: networking: address: inbound:

The values in ‘transparentProxying’ section are the defaults set by this command and if needed be changed by supplying ‘–redirect-inbound-port’ and ‘–redirect-outbound-port’ respectively.

4) the kuma-dp command shall be run with the designated user. - if using systemd to run add ‘User=kuma-dp’ in the ‘[Service]’ section of the service file - leverage ‘runuser’ similar to (assuming aforementioned yaml):

runuser -u kuma-dp –
/usr/bin/kuma-dp run
–dataplane-var name=dp-demo
–dataplane-var address=
–dataplane-var port=80
–binary-path /usr/local/bin/envoy

kumactl install transparent-proxy [flags]


      --dry-run                                                                         dry run
      --ebpf-bpffs-path string                                                          the path of the BPF filesystem (default "/sys/fs/bpf")
      --ebpf-cgroup-path string                                                         the path of cgroup2 (default "/sys/fs/cgroup")
      --ebpf-enabled                                                                    use ebpf instead of iptables to install transparent proxy
      --ebpf-instance-ip string                                                         IP address of the instance (pod/vm) where transparent proxy will be installed
      --ebpf-programs-source-path string                                                path where compiled ebpf programs and other necessary for ebpf mode files can be found (default "/kuma/ebpf")
      --ebpf-tc-attach-iface string                                                     name of the interface which TC eBPF programs should be attached to
      --exclude-inbound-ports string                                                    a comma separated list of inbound ports to exclude from redirect to Envoy
      --exclude-outbound-ports string                                                   a comma separated list of outbound ports to exclude from redirect to Envoy
      --exclude-outbound-tcp-ports-for-uids stringArray                                 tcp outbound ports to exclude for specific UIDs in a format of ports:uids where both ports and uids can be a single value, a list, a range or a combination of all, e.g. 3000-5000:103,104,106-108 would mean exclude ports from 3000 to 5000 for UIDs 103, 104, 106, 107, 108
      --exclude-outbound-udp-ports-for-uids stringArray                                 udp outbound ports to exclude for specific UIDs in a format of ports:uids where both ports and uids can be a single value, a list, a range or a combination of all, e.g. 3000-5000:103,104,106-108 would mean exclude ports from 3000 to 5000 for UIDs 103, 104, 106, 107, 108
      --experimental-transparent-proxy-engine                                           use experimental transparent proxy engine
  -h, --help                                                                            help for transparent-proxy
      --kuma-dp-uid string                                                              the UID of the user that will run kuma-dp
      --kuma-dp-user string                                                             the user that will run kuma-dp
      --redirect-all-dns-traffic                                                        redirect all DNS traffic to a specified port, unlike --redirect-dns this will not be limited to the dns servers identified in /etc/resolve.conf
      --redirect-dns                                                                    redirect only DNS requests targeted to the servers listed in /etc/resolv.conf to a specified port
      --redirect-dns-port string                                                        the port where the DNS agent is listening (default "15053")
      --redirect-dns-upstream-target-chain string                                       (optional) the iptables chain where the upstream DNS requests should be directed to. It is only applied for IP V4. Use with care. (default "RETURN")
      --redirect-inbound                                                                redirect the inbound traffic to the Envoy. Should be disabled for Gateway data plane proxies. (default true)
      --redirect-inbound-port networking.transparentProxying.redirectPortInbound        inbound port redirected to Envoy, as specified in dataplane's networking.transparentProxying.redirectPortInbound (default "15006")
      --redirect-inbound-port-v6 networking.transparentProxying.redirectPortInboundV6   IPv6 inbound port redirected to Envoy, as specified in dataplane's networking.transparentProxying.redirectPortInboundV6 (default "15010")
      --redirect-outbound-port networking.transparentProxying.redirectPortOutbound      outbound port redirected to Envoy, as specified in dataplane's networking.transparentProxying.redirectPortOutbound (default "15001")
      --skip-dns-conntrack-zone-split                                                   skip applying conntrack zone splitting iptables rules
      --store-firewalld                                                                 store the iptables changes with firewalld
      --verbose                                                                         verbose
      --vnet stringArray                                                                virtual networks in a format of interfaceNameRegex:CIDR split by ':' where interface name doesn't have to be exact name e.g. docker0:, br+:, iface:::1/64

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-timeout duration   the timeout for api calls. It includes connection time, any redirects, and reading the response body. A timeout of zero means no timeout (default 1m0s)
      --config-file string     path to the configuration file to use
      --log-level string       log level: one of off|info|debug (default "off")
      --no-config              if set no config file and config directory will be created